New member signup
Membership: Couples Membership

Let's get the ball rolling with a few personal details.
Date of Birth
Add a second address line.
How can you be contacted?
Guardian details
A little about you.
Do you have any history of injuries or health conditions which may impact your gym experience?
Who is the best person to contact in case of a medical emergency?
Terms and Conditions


1. Intial 6 months commitment on all weekly memberships
2. Thereby after, 4 weeks notice is required via email ( for cancellation
3. For membership holds, 1 week per quarter of membership is allocated. Requests for holds must be made 2+ weeks prior via email (
4. Student memberships - full time students only
5. 10 session packs must be used within 16 weeks of your first booked session and are non-refundable.
6. Membership payment is automated weekly via credit card or account transfer. Please update any change of details via the Gym Mate app
7. Please book into all sessions via the Gym Mate app


1. Initial 13 week commitment on all weekly memberships
2. Thereby after, 2 weeks notice is required via email ( for cancellation
3. For membership holds, 1 week per quarter of membership is allocated. Requests for holds must be made 2+ weeks prior via email (
4. Membership payment is automated weekly via credit card or account transfer. Please update any change of details via the Gym Mate app.
5. Please book into all sessions via the Gym Mate app


  1. I acknowledge that I will comply with any reasonable direction of the officials and staff of the Club in relation to:
    • entry to exit from the gym
    • the use of the facilities and equipment in the gym; and
    • my behaviour and conduct whilst on the premises.
  2. I acknowledge that I have sole responsibility for my personal possessions and athletic equipment whilst at the gym or during its related activities.
  3. I consent to receive medical treatment which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident and/or illness whilst on the premises. It is suggested that all persons seek medical advice and obtain a medical clearance prior to engaging in physical exercise.
  4. I am aware that the use of the gym and its facilities involves strenuous activity that can be physically demanding and that exercise and the equipment used is potentially dangerous.
  5. I agree that I am in a good state of health and I am medically fit to use the gym facilities and there is no medical reason to prevent me from proceeding with the use of the gym facilities without endangering my health.
  6. I agree to conduct myself in an orderly and proper manner and not emerge in conduct, which could cause harm, create a hazard or nuisance to other members.
  7. I acknowledge that the club cannot warrant the safety and suitability of the Gym equipment.
  8. I hereby assume all risks associated with the use premises and facilities.
  9. I have undertaken an orientation tour and induction of the Gym.
New Member Liability Waiver

By registering above as a member of Karmony, I agree to the following:

  • I have been examined by a licensed physician within the past six months and have been found by such physician to be in good physical health and fully able to perform all exercises which I am to learn and perform during my enrolment with you.
  • I am aware of the physical risks associated with exercise and understand that it is my personal responsibility to consult with my physician prior to participation in any classes or prior to receiving any instruction. I also understand that if at any time during any class, or when receiving any instruction from you and/or your associated instructors that I feel discomfort or strain; it is my responsibility to cease the activity and consult with my physician.
  • I agree that I am solely responsible for the decision to exercise and that I have no known medical condition which would prevent me from taking part in classes. I assume responsibility for any risk or injury that I may sustain as a result of my participation.
  • I also agree and understand that the classes at Karmony are not a substitute for medical treatment or attention and that I should consult with my physician prior to beginning any new activity program.
  • I will not hold Karmony, associated instructors, and employees, responsible for any injuries suffered by me caused in whole or in part by my failure to follow the instructions given, or by any physical impairment of mine. I understand that it is my responsibility to advise Karmony staff, and associated instructors of any physical conditions that may limit my participation in classes and to work only within my limitations.
  • I hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that I have now or hereafter may have against Karmony, associated teachers, staff or employees, sponsors and other participants as well as any similar claims against the owners, lessor and lessees of the premises of the studio as a result of my participation in any class or instruction.
  • I agree that Karmony is not responsible in the event of loss, damage, unauthorised use, theft or injury resulting from and to any personal property that I bring onto the premises.
  • I understand that if I bring my child to Karmony at any time I will take full responsibility for their safety and wellbeing and will ensure they do not enter the gym floor space while there is a session in progress.
  • Closed shoes must be worn at every gym session, unless instructed by your personal trainer.
  • I grant Karmony permission to photograph/video record me while involved in activities at Karmony. I grant Karmony permission to use any photographs/video footage/voice recordings of me to be posted on Karmony's website, Facebook, Instagram, brochures, flyers or any other publication. I grant permission for Karmony to tag me/my name on social media platforms. I understand that I have the right to request, in writing (, to have a photo or tag removed from the website or Facebook within 30 working days. I understand that all rights, title and interest in the photography obtained belongs to Karmony and that I will receive no financial compensation for the use of these photos and/or video. Karmony may edit, copy, alter or revise the photos/video as they see fit. Karmony will retain control over the use and distribution of the photographs/video. If I do not agree with the afore mentioned points, I understand that I must email within 7 Days with my request to not be included in any photographs or video footage at Karmony.
  • I have read the above release and waiver of liability and fully understand its contents.
  • I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.
Confirm member signature.